Matchbox Adventure is coming soon… Let`s think inside the box!


Welcome back to those who have been before, and welcome to all new members joining this adventure on the 9th of March!

At the Episode #9th we met Ricardo, an enthusiastic entrepreneurial independent restaurant owner who opened doors before the Covid period. He brought the problem: how could he become more visible and attract more customers for weekdays?
After a hard time of endless adapting efforts to comply with all COVID-19 regulations and safety measures, he was ready to share the burden with a group of unknown problem-solvers.

“How can I turn my restaurant into the “new kid on the block” where everyone wants to get into?

Ricardo and his father building the restaurant themselves in 2018. His previous job was a Hotel Managing Director… left a secure job to fulfill a personal dream, far away from foreseeing a pandemic on its way.

In the Matchbox, problem solvers ask questions and then generate ideas, which might seem random, crazy, normal, too small, too big, silly, easy to implement or unachievable at the first impression. The initial questions are part of the deep-thinking process. These help the problem giver by challenging his own believes, then reflect on what can be done, and often opens the mind to re-doing stuff that makes sense.

For those who never joined a Matchbox experience, yet feeling curious about what might happen in 90 minutes and “a group of strangers”, as Ana Mendonça likes to call us, the format is simple: one person brings a problem (plays the role of problem-giver) and tells us a story and asks a question. Then the group (problem-solvers) ask questions, followed by ideation.

Here we experiment from one episode to the next, for the sake of learning together.

There are no certainties, we do not have full control, there aren’t any strict rules, nor a solution fit all. We might fail sometimes, and immerse in a chaotic experience, as Erik de Wild puts it: the nature of a chaotic process is what makes it so special.

For some participants, is really a journey “out of their comfort zone”, and have never experienced anything like this, told us Christine Lester who is a British well experienced consultant and an RSA Fellow. For others, it gives a great sense of helping someone and travel into realities that they are less familiar with.

Which ways have you already tried, to solve problems collaboratively?

There is an art and science behind solving problems together.
We are in a mission to discover ways to improve and develop skills for collective and creative problem solving. One element is about asking better questions, this also helps looking into a situation from new angles. We also expand our capacity to analyse a problem without the thick lenses of own’s experience. Then discover how sometimes, such simple suggestions can suddenly become the trigger to start changing.

Participants are often staggered, by the ideas shared, and we are very delighted that a few have already been implemented. Being part of this is magic!

In a world where our interdependencies are increasingly higher, such experience can be a tremendous help for overcoming a barrier as well as developing new skills of collaboration, co-creation, creativity and flexibility.

At the end of each experience, and in a fun setting designed to boost creativity inside of the box, we are all inspired by the outcomes of a Matchbox, there is always a next adventure to get on board!

Ready to check-in? Join while there is a seat available.



Business Transformation by Design

Business Transformation by Design (BTBD) is a program that embraces the fusion of skills and assets through design methodologies and open innovation.